You would never guess what a difficult time Perfect has been through by looking at him today. He is a gorgeous horse by anyone’s standards and a great example of an extremely “valuable” animal who got into big trouble through no fault of his own. His medical history is so extensive, we cover his conditions in their own entries - so, check those out in the blogs if you’re interested - but, the horse that greets us every morning these days feels fantastic. Perfect came to us in the nick of time, he knows it and he couldn’t be happier about it. When we first met him, he appeared to be a saintly (if a bit dull) school master type - recently imported, nicely trained and honestly represented. He was a great “amateur horse” to safely move up the levels in dressage. Because nobody really knew him and his decline was both vague and slow, it was hard to see that anything was even wrong. At this point, however, almost 3 years later at the time of this writing, we can tell you that this unassuming Clark Kent we just described isn’t Perfect’s personality at all. He’s a high spirited, quirky prankster with a lot of energy - anything BUT ”dull”. Sadly, the quiet, ho-hum guy from before was how he responded to pain. The Perfect we know now is enthusiastically back to himself and back to work. Like many intelligent and athletic horses, he needs focused, regular exercise to maintain his mental and physical equilibrium. He’s clearly more content when he has a job. He needs more overall management than most, but, we do everything we can to keep his life as close to normal as possible. He loves to watch everything that goes on around the sanctuary and he’s an exuberant participant in all of his daily activities - especially playtime with Charlie (the donkey), who’s his favorite friend. Perfect is, and will always be, one of our all time favorites. He’s truly one of the most fun and endearing horses you’ll ever meet. The road to his recovery wasn’t easy and he will always be “worthless” and uninsurable due to his conditions - but, his monetary value has nothing to do with who he actually is and that is, truly, what our sanctuary is all about. Perfect‘s life is beyond worthy - beyond valued - seeing him happy, safe and sound is priceless.